Fearless Accountability

Fearless Accountability

Eliminate the fear, self-doubt, delays and disappointment that happen when you put your dreams on hold.

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Fearless Accountability

Eliminate the fear, self-doubt, delays and disappointment that happen when you put your dreams on hold.

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Are you tired of putting your dreams on hold?

Introducing Fearless Accountability - the ongoing mastermind support group for high-achieving women who refuse to settle for second best.

What You Get:

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Monthly group mastermind sessions to share wins, challenges and breakthroughs

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An accountability partner to check in with weekly and keep you on track

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Access to our private member platform to celebrate wins and get support

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Tools, structure and environment to hold yourself and others accountable

You join a compassionate group of driven, purpose-led people
who won’t let you settle for second-best. We believe in you,
we believe in your goals, we believe in what you are capable of.

And we’re here to remind you of that whenever you forget.

If this sounds like you, we invite you to experience the power of accountability and support. Join and get your first month free by using the promo code FRIEND.

I'm Ready

Note: Fearless Accountability mastermind group is open to all people, even if you haven't yet completed The Fearless Leader program.

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“Accountability lets us live life without regrets. It allows us to do the best we can do under difficult circumstances. It let’s our light shine through on a daily basis.

– Laura Corral

Work life is not family life. Your family will never fire you.

Many modern companies lure you in with promises of being "family" - claiming they'll support you through thick and thin.

But when push comes to shove and budgets get tight, you quickly realize that work isn't family. Your job can be taken away at any moment.

This is exactly why your boss can't be your accountability partner for reaching your true potential. At the end of the day, they hold your employment in their hands.

To fearlessly pursue your goals and grow into the leader you're meant to be, you need an outside accountability partner - someone who will have your back unconditionally, keep you on track, protect you from chronic self-neglect and help you move forward without fear of judgment, repercussions or burnout.

I'm in!

“Accountability is the glue that ties commitment to the result."

Women who have joined Fearless Accountability mastermind group, have transformed commitments to results like these…

Fearless Leader 1 - Overwhelmed by how to scale her proven domestic violence survivor program to a global level after two decades of local success Fearless Leader 1 - Built a global infrastructure including a Train the Trainer program, learning management system, secured more funding and established a worldwide reputation
Fearless Leader 2 - Putting her lifelong dream of writing a children's book on the back burner while juggling a demanding career in cancer research, family responsibilities and caregiving for an aging parent Fearless Leader 2 - Carved out time to write daily, negotiated a raise to fund the book, and took a leave to prioritize her health and creativity, returning to work with renewed confidence and commitment to her legacy project
Fearless Leader 3 - Feeling unfulfilled, overworked and scrutinized in a toxic work environment, dreaming of a career change but unsure how to make it happen Fearless Leader 3 - Gained clarity on her unique leadership strengths, learned to advocate for herself, invested in her own development, and built a network of supporters to help her navigate a career transition
I Want To Join!

Fearless Accountability Methodology

Goal Setting

Focused on what truly matters to you. Not just the company, next year’s revenue, the team etc. This is not about the ‘to-do list’, activity, duty etc. it’s about designing your life around the outcomes that you want to experience sooner rather than later. What priorities are you making every single week to bring YOUR vision to life? Work, home, family and self.

Baby Stepping

Breaking down your vision into actionable milestones and tangible, realistic steps that are actually doable. So you can start to see and feel your own success, you will feel proud, excited, break up with overwhelm and finally feel settled into your identity as someone who achieves the kinds of things you want to achieve.

Accountability Partnering

Join a connected community of high-achieving women out making amazing things happen in the world and their lives and work. We suspend judgment, we show compassion with ourselves and the other women, we ask for and give the gift of accountability and personal responsibility so that we feel empowered to do the hard work when it really matters.

Social Proof

Laura Corral

Toni Sprouse

Susan Omilian

Meet Your Facilitator

A woman in a denim jacket is sitting in a white chair

Hi, I’m Kathy — I'm so glad you're here, considering the opportunity to work together and taking your potential seriously.

If you're like most high-achieving women, you know the frustration of having big dreams and goals, only to be held back by procrastination, excuses, and self-doubt. Trust me, I've been there.

My entire life has been a journey of overcoming rejection and criticism. These roadblocks have stopped me dead in my tracks more times than I can count. But through it all, I've discovered one of my greatest gifts: helping myself and others find their biggest vision and create a clear plan to get there, no matter what stands in the way.

My leadership journey began in high school as a member of the songleading squad. I thrived on the team spirit, discipline, and the thrill of lifting up my fellow athletes. But that bubble burst when I entered college and faced crushing rejection, not once but twice, when auditioning for the exclusive Dolly squad at Stanford.

The pain of rejection stung even more when I learned a judging panel member had slandered me. As a young, idealistic leader, this felt like an outrageous injustice I had to fight. (You can read the full story in Chapter 2 of my book,
Fearless Female Leaders.)

Here's what that experience taught me...

Accountability isn't just about holding others to account. It's about taking radical personal responsibility for your own future. You can either stay stuck in resentment over what happened to you, or you can channel that energy into creating something better. I chose the latter. And that's the essence of the Fearless Accountability Mastermind.

You don't need to be superhuman or wildly famous to lead a meaningful life.

But you do need to be willing to step out of your comfort zone and accept support. It's far too easy to play small, make excuses and let fear of your own power hold you back.

Without the right community to cheer you on and hold you to your highest potential, you risk looking back on your life with regret over missed opportunities. But it doesn't have to be that way.

In this supportive group, we each decide what matters most to us, then ask for the encouragement and tough love we need to get there. Because the truth is, none of us are perfect. We don't always take the right steps toward our goals every day. That's why having the right accountability is critical.

Let's redefine what success looks like for you and give you the support to get there – on your own terms. No more hiding. No more holding back.

In the Fearless Accountability Mastermind, you'll get:

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Clarity on your true priorities and a plan to achieve them

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The tools and habits to become the kind of person who lives the life you want

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Step-by-step guidance to break down big visions into doable action goals

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A tight-knit community of high-achieving women who get it

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Accountability and unconditional support to keep you on track, even when the going gets tough

How it works:

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We meet once a month for one hour for our ‘virtual meetups’ – we know your time is valuable

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A virtual community to come to whenever you need it

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Setting and resetting monthly goals based on your Agreement of Action and your ongoing progress, linked to something bigger and the overall picture of your ideal life

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Unpacking and studying new ways to put into practice the 8 Attributes of Fearless Leadership

The 8 Attributes of Fearless Leadership:

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Courage to challenge the status quo

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Trusts inner wisdom to guide decisions

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Leads with empathy and heart

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Owns unique strengths and value

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Builds genuine, supportive relationships

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Transforms setbacks into breakthroughs

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Thinks systemically and acts purposefully

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Brings levity and humanity to work


I'm in!

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